E0042 | Homesteading On a Budget: Part 2


homesteading-on-a-budget-part-2Today is part 2 of my Homesteading On a Budget talk from the Redeeming the Dirt Conference

Welcome back to another episode of the Homegrown Liberty Podcast, this is episode 42. Today we have the second part of an excerpt from the Redeeming The Dirt 2016 Conference. This is from my talk on Homesteading on a Budget. This episode is part 2 with all the Q&A from my talk.
I had a lot of fun talking to and helping you guys figure stuff out during the conference. I won’t take up much time doing an introduction since this is going to be a long episode as it is, so let’s get right into it!


Alright guys, I hope you enjoyed that second part to the talk I gave on Homesteading on a Budget, I think it’s a great idea to constantly have in your mind ways to stick to your budget and also to just simply be aware that having a budget is a good idea. I’ll keep this super short since that segment was 40 minutes long so I’ll leave it here. I hope you enjoyed this topic, if you want to follow up on this or ask questions, please hop on facebook and join the discussion in the community group there. It’s always cool to be able to interact with you guys and be a little more personal with one on one conversations there. So if you aren’t a member, I encourage you to join just for the community aspect!

Until next week
I hope you have a wonderful day, God Bless. And as always “Go Do Good Things”

2 Responses to “E0042 | Homesteading On a Budget: Part 2”

  1. Nick,

    I hope your morning is going well. I keyed in on your rabbit suggestions in the podcast. I have a trio of females I plan to breed and keep with my chickens in hanging hutches. My chicken barn is 24x24x12 ft in height(8 ft ceiling with 4ft loft for hay storage). Dirt floor with deep litter woodchips. It will have green house poly for roof and sides.

    Can you give me a couple pointers on how high to hang the hutches? Center of space or against exterior wall? I was going to put them in the center about 4 ft off the ground at a comfortable working height for visual inspection and feed and watering.

    Do you think I could/should grow comfrey over winter in zone 5 in the chickenbarn as long as it was protected from chicken scratching?

    • As for comfrey indoors, probably not enough light and warmth. I’d not waste the cuttings inside the barn.

      Location of the rabbit cages, I’d say the doors should be right at shoulder height, so you can easily reach inside without catching your shoulder, or armpit on anything. I would make the cage movable vertically if possible so that you can raise and lower it as needed. That’s my plan and should be fairly easy to implement with a couple pulleys and some decently strong rope. As for center or along a wall, seeing how you’re in zone 5, I’d put them in the center, and if possible, raise them all the way up to the ceiling on the coldest nights so they can benefit from the higher temps up at the roofline. That is unless you build a large compost pile underneath with woodchips and let the manure and urine heat the pile and warm the rabbits. Lots of cool ways to stack functions and meet their needs.

      I plan on shooting video of my new setup once I get the barn built, but that isn’t likely to happen till early 2017.

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