E0041 | Homesteading On a Budget: Part 1


homesteading-on-a-budget-part-1Welcome back to another episode of the Homegrown Liberty Podcast, this is episode 41. Today we’ve got an excerpt from the Redeeming The Dirt 2016 Conference from my talk on Homesteading on a Budget. This episode is part 1 with most of my talking points, part two which will air next week will be a little longer and will be all the Q&A from my talk, so you’ll want to hear this part so all the questions make sense!

I want to say thank you to all of the listeners who came by and said, “hi”, and encouraged me. It was nice to know I had friends there cheering me on. I was pretty nervous through the whole thing because despite the fact that I do a podcast, I’m very uncomfortable with public speaking. Ever since I was a kid I’ve not been comfortable speaking in front of people, I had a horrible stutter when I was a kid and it persisted a little even through my teen years. Oh yeah, I was a skinny home schooled boy who stuttered! I was a major ladies man! So it meant a lot to see some friendly faces and hear your encouraging words. I hope what I had to say helped and encouraged some of you guys. And since most of you didn’t get to attend the conference. I’ve brought part of it here to you! So let’s get into my talk on some tactics for homesteading on a budget!




Alright, we’re gonna stop with only a couple questions answered there and pick up next week with a slightly longer episode that includes all the great questions from the audience and my answers on the spot! I know some of those things are somewhat basic and obvious to some of you listening. But I hope that there are are at least one or two good takeaways that you can apply to your life. Tune in next week for what I felt like was a great Q&A session.

Alright guys, that wraps things up, I hope you enjoyed this topic, if you want to follow up on this or ask questions, please hop on facebook and join the discussion in the community group there. Lots of new members have been added after the conference so I hope to see you join the community and share your successes and unique perspective.

Until next week

I hope you have a wonderful day, God Bless. And as always “Go Do Good Things”

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