Free Seed Starting Download

seed starting chart

  1. Download the Seed Starting Chart PDF.
  2. Print out the seed starting chart PDF.
  3. Write your spring last frost date in the blank space at the top of the chart.
  4. Consult a calendar and add or subtract the number of weeks in the “Safe to Sow or Transplant” column. This is the “Transplant Date” when you can safely plant or transplant the crop or seed in the garden. Write it in the last column.
  5. Take each date from Column 5 (Transplant Date), subtract the number of weeks shown for that crop/seed in column 3 (“Weeks from Sowing”) and record that date in column 2, giving you your (Start Inside) date.

Alternatively, take the (Start Inside) date, and add the time needed to bring you back to the best time according to the almanac of your choosing.

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